Imagination Trumps Knowledge!

Modern event ticketing platform with real-time queuing and instant payments. Perfect for event organizers and attendees alike.

Live Docs
Live Docs, an improved Google Docs that manages millions of collaborators in real-time.

A fullstack netflix clone project named Filmpire. It combines the desire to unleash powerful creativity with the industry's most advanced JavaScript tools including React.js, Material UI, Alan AI, and more.

This real-time chat app features instant messaging, responsive UI, secure authentication, media sharing, and group chats.

AI Image Generation Application
AI image generator application give the image according to the input prompt given by the user by using the Dalle API of OpenAI. It also has community share feature.

A full stack E-commerce web application build using nextjs, sanity and context-api with integrated stripe payment gateway.

Blog Website
It is a social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives as well as like and comment on others post.

Twitter Clone
A full stack twitter-clone app having signin/signout functionality. User can post a tweet and comment on a tweet.

Disney Hotstar Clone
Disney+ Hotstar Clone having signin/signUp functionality with modern web design.